Kim Koen, owner of MY RED TEA, a great woman, with a grand mission to make Rooibos tea better known, ethically grown and also something which gives back to the community.
Tag Archives: green
Underwear with a Mission
Underwear brand Marc Skid (yes, really) was originally conceived while founder Dan Barry and a friend were having a laugh at the image on a pack of designer briefs. Now it’s raising a smile on the faces of satisfied customers – and helping them make their Marc on the world.
Shalise the Ocean’s Eco-Warrior
With the recent rise of the issue of sea pollution, humanity is starting to re-think about how we are going to save it before it gets any worse. Many eco-warriors are out on the beaches cleaning up the mess we have made. Â Fishing lines are one of the biggest marine debris pollutions in the ocean and 11-year-old Shalise Leesfield spends her time collecting them and discarding them in an appropriate manner or reusing them.